Tcp rootings

In this feature is the MVBD like a rooter. TCP/IP clients can identify by command 29.
For example client 1 is the NVDA screenreader and the GRANT software is client 2. Both have to identify. You can see this at the grid in the Tcp tab. When the roots a set correctly and NVDA sends Pins to MVBD they will not be shown there. They will be redirected to the GRANT software first. GRANT can filter the data or put it inside itselfs pindata. After this GRANT sends Pins back to the MVBD.

Root Commands

Command Name Description
0PinsRoot all commands of pin data. Command: 1 (Braille-string), 21 (bool-array)
1KeysRoot key data commands. Command: 22 (KeyDown), 23 (KeyUp)
2FingersRoot finger data commands. Command: 24 (Touch)
3NVDA GesturesNVDA Gesture data commands. Command: 30 (NVDA Gesture)
4DeviceInfoThe device has changed. Command: 20


Root Identifier

Identifier Name Description
0UnknownThe type of client is unknown
1MVBDThe MVBD itself
2NVDAIt's the NVDA screenreader
3GRANTIt's the GRANT application from University Potsdam
4HyperBrailleGeoThe client is a Hyperbraille Geo (Geogebra) application by metec
5MonitorThe client is a viewer monitor like a TV in a future to show a device in 3D
6MATLABThe client is MATLAB from MathWorks
7PresentationThe client is Presentation from Neurobehavioral Systems
8E-PrimeThe client is E-Prime from Psychology Software Tools
9Client 9Free for custom use
10Client 10Free for custom use
11Client 11Free for custom use
12Client 12Free for custom use
13Client 13Free for custom use
14Client 14Free for custom use
15Client 15Free for custom use